Group Rides

Available in: French | German | Italian | Portuguese | Spanish

With Group Rides, you can start and pay for rides on multiple scooters, even for people without a Superpedestrian account.

Group Ride Rules

You are responsible for all rides and riders in your Group Ride. Passes and promotions (including LINK-Up) do not apply to group rides. If Group Rides are available in your city, you can start a Group Ride by tapping the Group Ride button on the homescreen of the Superepdestrian app.

All riders must be 18 or older, enter a valid mobile number, and agree to Superpedestrian’s Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. To end your group ride, every rider in the group must end their ride. Group rides are charged at the same fare rate for each scooter as individual rides. 

Host Agreement

By starting a Group Ride, you agree to the following Host Agreement which is an inseparable part of the Terms and Conditions concluded between the Host and the respective Superpedestrian entity in the territory when the Group Ride is taking place:

You are the Host of the Group Ride and any riders you add to your Group Ride are referred to as Guests. You agree that all of your Guests are 18 years of age or older and that only one Guest will be permitted per scooter and no double riding is allowed.

As the Host, you will pay for all of the rides for you and your Guests on the Group Ride and are responsible for payment using your account and payment method, and for any other charges incurred by you and your Guests during the Group Ride. You agree to be responsible for parking of all scooters as well as any damages and fines incurred as a result of parking rule violations by any of the Guests. Fees incurred as a result of incorrectly parked scooters will be passed on to the Host. Discounts, promotions and passes will not apply to your Group Ride. You agree to inform Superpedestrian immediately of any damage to third parties or injury incurred during or as a result of a Group Ride. 

For your additional guest riders to be authorized, you must ensure that each Guest personally enters their mobile number and reads and agrees to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. As the Host, you assume full responsibility for any damages and injuries caused by you or any Guest in your Group Ride. You agree to be responsible for all claims, injuries or other damage caused or suffered by your Guests. You are responsible to ensure all of your Guests comply with Superpedestrian’s Terms and Conditions and all local regulations governing scooter riders.

A Group Ride can only be terminated after all Superpedestrian vehicles booked by the Host are no longer used by any guests.

Guest Obligations

Prior to joining a Group Ride provided by a Host, each Guest shall enter their mobile phone number in the App on the Host’s phone and agree to be bound by Superpedestrian’s Terms and Conditions, including the waiver of liability and agreement to arbitrate any potential claims against Superpedestrian, and Superpedestrian’s Privacy Policy.