Legal Information
We've updated our Terms and Conditions for use of our services in the United States, including our scooter rental services, our Superpedestrian app and our websites. In addition, if you ride our scooters in Long Beach, California, you are required to enter into a contract with the city of Long Beach which includes a waiver of liability of the city, release of any claims against the city and indemnification of the city. By accepting this update you are agreeing to this contract with the city of Long Beach, which is set forth here in full. Please review the updated Terms and Conditions and if you do not consent to our updated Terms and Conditions, please do not use our services in the U.S. We also updated our Insurance page to reflect the required limited third party liability insurance for rides in the state of California, as indicated. We've also added Terms and Conditions for Switzerland where we operate scooters.
We're updating our Privacy Policy to add information for our launch in Switzerland.