Superpedestrian issues industry best practice recommendations with four other leading micromobility companies

Superpedestrian joined Dott, Lime, Tier, and Voi in an indiustry-first, issuing recommendations to European cities with the aim of helping cities establish strong e-scooter and e-bike programs that serve city residents and meet city goals.

The ten recommendations are the result of months of collaboration between the five micromobility companies, and are signed by each of the companies’ CEOs. The recommendations are a result of pooling a vast breadth of knowledge about micromobility — Superpedestrian and the other companies together operate over three quarters of a million vehicles over 37 countries.

Superpedestrian’s Haya Verwoord Douidri, EVP of Executive VP of Global Market Development, Policy and Strategy, explains, “At Superpedestrian, we pride ourselves on partnering with cities to meet their unique needs, while delivering the best riding experience and safety for all road users. These guidelines will help micromobility continue to grow in cities and serve more people with safe, green, and reliable transport.”

Read the 10 recommendations below 👇

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